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2024-25 Poster

2024-25 Poster

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Players planning on playing in summer league need to stop by Coach Allen's room (125) this week to pick up your jersey.

Remember to sign up to work the PCSL.  If you work 10 time slots, it will not cost you anything to play in the league.  The updated schedule, clock, admissions, and concessions are listed below!

Summer League starts the week after school gets out; plan on being there!

Sunday open gyms with Coach Hussong are no longer going on.  With open gym M-Th and PCSL, we should have plenty of opportunities to get on the court.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Thank You

A BIG thank you goes out to the Jusczak family for donating Gatorades for our youth camp.  Thank you very much!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Summer League Work Schedule

Players: Make sure to sign up to work the summer league games.  Remember, it is $5 off your $50 fee for every game you work.  If you work 10 or more games, you play for free!

UPDATE: The schedule will be posted below--it will be updated weekly with who is working.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

2012 Summer Information

Pine City Boys Basketball Summer League Information

Who: Boys interested in playing basketball at Pine City in grades 7-11.

What: Summer League games against other high school teams in the area

When: Monday and Wednesday Evenings (See Schedule)

Where: Pine City High School

Price: *$0.00-$50.00 Per Player (See Below)

***Players can sign up to work summer league events (Clock, Admissions, Concessions). Every time a player signs up to work, it is $5.00 off their total. Signing up to work must be done ahead of time (Before first game) and payment is due the by the first game of what you owe. If you sign up 10 times, you will not have to pay anything to be in summer league.
Pine City Boys Youth Camp

Please see the attached flyers. We need workers for the camp. If you can work, please see Coach Allen immediately.

Please sign up to follow our Boys Basketball Blog to help keep track of what is going on:

Summer Open Gyms
Monday and Wednesday: 7-11 AM

Tuesday and Thursday: 9AM-1PM

Offseason is a time for the individual to get better. We are expecting some new basketball equipment in this summer; please plan to attend open gyms/weight room.

Mandatory Summer Boys Basketball Meeting (Grades 7-11)

Please plan on attending a Mandatory Summer Boys Basketball Meeting on Thursday (5-17-12) in Coach Allen's Room (125) at either 730AM or directly after school.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Youth Camp (4-6)

Dragon Boys Basketball Camp

Who: Pine City Elementary Boys Grades 4-6

What: Boys Basketball Camp run by Varsity Head Coach Kyle Allen

When: May 24st-May 26rd

Time: After School until 4:30 (On Thursday and Friday)
12-3 (On Saturday)

Where: Elementary Gym 

Price: $25 (Includes Gift and a chance at Daily Prizes)

Why: Great way to kick off the end of school year/beginning of summer by working on fundamental skills! Players will also be split up into teams with individual coaches and play a tournament on Saturday.

*Please bring money and completed form to the first day of camp
**Snacks and Drinks will be available for purchase at the camp
***Checks can be made out to “Pine City Hoops Organization”

Youth Camp (K-3)

Dragon Boys Basketball Camp

Who: Pine City Elementary Boys Grades K-3

What: Boys Basketball Camp run by Varsity Head Coach Kyle Allen

When: May 21st-May 23rd

Time: After School until 4:30

Where: Elementary Gym

Price: $25 (Includes Gift and a chance at Daily Prizes)

Why: Great way to kick off the end of school year/beginning of summer by working on fundamental skills!

*Please bring money and completed form to the first day of camp
**Snacks and Drinks will be available for purchase at the camp
***Checks can be made out to “Pine City Hoops Organization”