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Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Optional Open Gym (11/28)

There will be optional open gym this Friday from 4-6PM at the High School gym.  This will be open to any/all 7-12 boys basketball players.  This is optional.  Please use the back door.

Saturday, November 22, 2014

11-21-14 (Esko)

Pine City fell behind early to last year's state champs Esko High School despite the great energy, crowd, and student section at the home opener and were unable to dig themselves out.  Jittery shots lead to a 20 point deficit to start the game and it would stay that way even with the Dragons picking themselves up and playing even basketball from that point forward.

The final score was Esko: 74 Pine City: 50.

Noah Adams lead the way for the Dragons with 14 points followed by classmate Kole Jusczak with 10.  Senior Gabe Gonyea pulled down a team high 7 rebounds while Juczak added 6 and Connor Clark grabbed 5.  Adams had 5 assists in the game.

The Dragons will have no games between now and Thanksgiving break, but will host conference foe Onamia on Dec. 2.

Grant Larson, Jacob Staber, and Chas Maloney were the Junior Dragons for the game and are pictured here with the 2014-15 Varsity Captains.

Friday, November 21, 2014

Opening Basketball Meeting/Meal

It was requested by several parents and encouraged by the captains to put the video link on the blog from the opening basketball meeting/meal.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

Throwback Thursday

2007-2014: Mitch Hansmann, Gabe Gonyea, Noah Adams, Kole Jusczak, and Connor Clark

Compatible devices for 94Fifty Basketballs

Compatible devices for 94Fifty Basketballs


iPhone 4s

iPhone 5

iPhone 5c

iPhone 5s

iPhone 6

iPhone 6 plus

iPad 3rd Gen

iPad 4th Gen

iPad Air

iPad Air 2

iPad Mini

iPad Mini 2

iPad Mini 3

iPod Touch

iPod Touch 5th Gen


Any Android device running 4.0.3 (or higher) and has Bluetooth is supported.

Primary Tested Devices Include:

  • HTC One
  • MotoX
  • Nexus 5
  • Nexus 4
  • Nexus 7 Gen 1
  • Nexus 7 Gen 2
  • Nexus 10
  • Galaxy Nexus
  • Samsung S3
  • Samsung S4
  • LG Optimus 4x
  • LG G2

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

2014-15 Captains

After an application process, the team voted for captains for the 2014-15 basketball team.  The captains responsibilities go far and above everyone else and look after not only the Varsity team but also the program and a whole.

This year, our captains, as voted on by the team, are:

Senior Mitchell Hansmann
Senior Gabe Gonyea
Junior Kole Jusczak
Junior Noah Adams

Monday, November 17, 2014

Reminder: Beginning of the Meal (Grades 7-12)

Reminder: The start of the year meal has been changed to Nov. 20th at 6PM. This is for all athletes/families playing bball this year grades 7-12.

Please plan on attending and bringing the item assigned to your grade level.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Varsity Preseason Scrimmage Review

16 basketball players traveled to the Northland over the weekend to scrimmage Duluth East High School, Virginia High School, International Falls High School, and Hermantown High School.

Traveling with Pine City was: Mitch Hansmann, Gabe Gonyea, Connor Clark, James Pixley, Easton Foss, Logan Stahl, Andrew Bremmer, Noah Adams, Kole Jusczak, Jon Blake, Andrew Clementson, Jake Rademacher, Clay Logan, Nathan Kleppe, Sam Saunders, Austin Hansmann, Coach Allen, Coach Rademacher, and Coach Christianson.

The boys were competitive in all the scrimmages they played in, even when facing schools with larger enrollments.

The group stayed at The Edge Waterpark and Hotel on Friday night and on Saturday, the crew took in a College of St. Scholastica Men's basketball game, Coach Allen's alma mater.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Monday, November 10, 2014

Beginning of the Year BBB Meal (Grades 7-12)

The meal that was planned for tonight will be rescheduled to Thursday (Nov. 20th) at 6 PM in the 7th grade commons.  This will still be for all players planning on playing basketball this year.

Please plan on attending with your family and bring the following:

  • 12th Grade: Please bring a dessert and drink (water, juice, etc) to pass
  • 11th Grade: Please bring a dish to pass and Paper Plates
  • 10th Grade: Please bring a dish to pass and Napkins
  • 9th Grade: Please bring a dish to pass and plastic utensils  
  • 8th Grade: Please bring a dish to pass and plastic cups
  • 7th Grade: Please bring a dessert

Looking ahead to 11/11/14

If the school day is normal, practices will be normal (AM and PM).

If the school day is a late start, there will be no AM practice but PM practice will be as planned.

If there is no school, there MAY be an optional opportunity.  Information would be sent out if that happened.

11/10/14 Updates

AM Practice:  Great turnout and workout.  Tryouts are half done; we are hoping to have teams done by Wednesday.

Rest of the Day:  School will be let out at approx. 11AM.  There will be no Boys Basketball the rest of the day including practice and meal.

Stay tuned for information on Tuesday's practices.

Friday, November 7, 2014

Reminders before Monday

Grades 9-12:

If you are planning on participating in tryouts on Monday starting at 6AM, you need to have your physical on file with the office.

The other information is required to be in by the first game.

Grades 7-8:

If you are not participating in the optional opportunity with the C-Squad, don't worry about basketball until after break in January when you season starts!

If you are planning on participating in the optional opportunity with the C-Squad, you must have your physical on file as well as your move up form to me before you can participate Monday morning at 6AM.


We have made some great stride in the last few short years, and I am excited for what this year will bring.  See you bright and early Monday morning!



Kyle Allen, M.Ed.
Secondary Social Studies - Classroom Website
Head Boys Basketball - Boy's Basketball Blog
Assistant Cross Country
Assistant Baseball
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Youth Camp (K-3)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Optional Open Gyms (Sunday)

Optional Open Gyms on Sundays have been cancelled moving forward until further notice.  Please take note on your paper schedules.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Items That Need To Be Turned In Before Participation

1. An email sent to Coach Allen from parent/guardian stating you have read/understand rules/regulations (Opening Letter)

2. State Form (Office)

3. Physical on File (Office)

4. Athletic Fee (Office)

5. 7/8 Move Up Form to Coach Allen (Only for those participating in this optional opportunity)

Monday, November 3, 2014

State Cross Country Recap

Three Pine City Boys Basketball players (Andrew Clementson, Noah Adams, James Pixley) joined fellow basketball player/cross country runner Easton Foss at the State Cross Country Meet to help him in preparation and fun.

The boys dressed up for the practice runs because it was Halloween.

Easton had a personal best time (16:59) at the meet.

Duluth 3 on 3 Recap

Pine City had 3 teams competing in the 7th/8th grade division at Duluth East High School 3 on 3.  The following are pictures from the day.

Participating for Pine City were:

Nick Hansmann
Jake Adams
Quentin Miklya
Seth Logan
Tanner Wicktor
Koleman Lind
Konnor Jusczak
Benny Cruz
Duke Waxberg
Nate Webster

Reminder Email

The following email was just sent to all athletes that signed up for boys basketball for the 2014-15 season:

Ladies and Gentlemen:

Thank you for attending a meeting last week.  I wanted to put some of the information we talked about in an email so there was no forgetting what is going on.

We as a coaching staff are working hard to ensure that you have the opportunity for success now and into the future.  I promise no one is outworking what we are doing to help you all.  We want success on the court, in the classroom, and when you leave High School.


You will be unable to participate until the following items are in.  This could impact the team you are placed on due to missing try outs.

-Make sure you have all of your forms/information in ASAP.  The following items are needed to be in before you can participate: State Form, Current Physical, School Athletic Fees.  If you have any questions on those three, please see the office.

-Also, you need to make sure you have an email or note to me that your parents/guardians and you understand the rules/goals/opening letter for this year.  Please get the Opening Year Letter email/note to me ASAP.

-IF you are a 7th or 8th grader interested in participating in the optional c-squad opportunity; make sure you also turn in your Move Up Sheet to me ASAP.  If this does not involve you, disregard this.


November 10th: 
First day of practice.  This starts at 6AM at the High School Gym.  We will be doing tryouts the first few days in the morning and after school.  We also continue this after school (starting at 3PM) until 6PM.  This is for all Freshman-Seniors as well as any 7th/8th graders wanting to participate in the optional C-Squad opportunity. 

The opening meal is also on Nov. 10th.  This starts at 630PM and is FOR ALL ATHLETES/FAMILIES PLANNING ON PLAYING BASKETBALL THIS YEAR.

Please follow the calendar online ( for up to date information. 

Everything Else:

As always, make sure you are taking care of your studies.  This will be an crucial part of your basketball careers at Pine City High School.

Any/all communication should come to your coaches first.  We want to help solve any issues/problems that may arise during the season, please give us the first shot to do this.  We have an open door policy.

Playing time is earned not given.  It is fair (everyone has the same fair opportunities to get better) but not equal (athletes will not play equal amounts in games).  All athletes will play in sub-varsity games, although not equal.

I am extremely looking forward to this season, the positive things that will come our way, and the challenges that we will inevitably face together.  

Please email, call, or come talk to me about any questions.

-Coach Allen


Kyle Allen, M.Ed.
Secondary Social Studies - Classroom Website
Head Boy's Basketball - Boy's Basketball Blog
Assistant Cross Country
Assistant Baseball