
Fan Text Updates

Fan Text Updates

2024-25 Poster

2024-25 Poster

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Noah Dahlman Basketball Camp (@Grantsburg)

The Noah Dahlman Basketball Camp will be also offered at Grantsburg (WI) this year as well as at Braham (MN).

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

BBB Letters

Attention Parents/Guardians:

Copies of the "end of the year meetings" and summer 2015 information was mailed out today.  Be on the lookout for yours!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

2014-15 JV/V Highlight Reel (From Krossover)

2014-15 JV/V Highlight Reel

Our film program created a highlight reel for us from this past season.  Click on the link above to see it.