
Fan Text Updates

Fan Text Updates

2024-25 Poster

2024-25 Poster

Monday, June 7, 2021

Summer League Schedule


Summer Opportunities

The following information was emailed out and listed on google classroom:

Pre-Summer Open Gyms: 6/10 and 6/11 @HS Gym from 5-8 PM.  Learn (and re-learn) our workouts, drills, etc.  Young guys will learn from upperclassmen and myself.

Summer Schedule runs from: 6/14 - 7/2 and 7/10 - 7/30

Mondays - Thursdays: 
7-8 AM: Unified Athletic Program
8-10 AM: Open Gym
10-11 AM: Unified Athletic Program OR Individual Work

8-10 AM: Boys Basketball Only Open Gym

Monday and Wednesday Evenings:
Pine City Summer League (Schedule Attached and on basketball blog)
Players are invited to stay and play at "higher levels".  You learn a lot by being around. A general rule: C-squad is incoming grades 7-10, JV is 7-11, and Varsity is 7-12.
Players are also asked to work a minimum of 10 shifts in lieu of payment for the league.  (Sign up attached and on google classroom)​
 2021 Summer League Worker Sign Up​

Athletic Physicals: You must have a physical on file with the school to participate, this includes incoming 7th graders

Waivers: Waivers will be handed out on 6/10 and 6/11 at the open gyms.  Please return them ASAP.  They will also be available on Google Classroom if you have the ability to print off.

Summer Rec. Volunteers: We were able to add basketball to the summer rec. program, but we need volunteers to help. Please sign up to help on the following link:

I will continue to update the blog (calendar) and google classroom.  I encourage you to take advantage of as much of these opportunities as you would like! This is your chance to get better as a basketball player, athlete, and young person.  Email or call me with any questions.

-Coach Allen

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Volunteer: Summer Rec Basketball

Basketball Players-

We are in need of volunteers to help with the FIRST EVER year of Summer Rec. basketball.

You will be receiving a link from Mrs. Burger to sign up for volunteer spots.

Please consider signing up, we are hoping this first year leads to many more opportunities.

The link to sign up can be found here:

Let me know if you have any questions.
