
Fan Text Updates

Fan Text Updates

2024-25 Poster

2024-25 Poster

Monday, October 31, 2022

2022-23 Preseason Parent/Player Meeting


Fan Gear Update

NEW:  When accessing the BSN order, enter the NEW code after clicking on the link.  The new code is: 2pineboybb

Orders are due: NOVEMBER 11

Lee's Pro Shop:

BSN (Nike): (Code: 2pineboybb)

Monday, October 17, 2022

Mandatory Player Basketball Sign Ups


UPDATE: Fan Gear

To receive your items BEFORE Christmas on the LEE'S PRO SHOP order, your order must be submitted by 11/11/22.

To receive your items BEFORE Christmas on the BSN order, your order must be submitted by 10/27/22.  There will be a second order due by 11/11/22 that may or may not be shipped by Christmas.

 Lee's Pro Shop:

BSN (Nike):

Monday, October 10, 2022

Hall of Fame: Easton Foss

On Saturday, Easton Foss became Coach Allen's second athlete to be inducted into the Pine City Athletic Hall of Fame.  Along with playing basketball, Easton also played baseball, and went to State in both cross country (2x) and track (1x).