
2022-23 Basketball Poster

2022-23 Basketball Poster

Fan Text Updates

Fan Text Updates

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

12/2/25: Junior High Day 1

The 7th and 8th grade seasons offically start on Janurary 2nd!

The first practice willbe from after school until 5 PM at the Elementary.

To get to the Elementary, players can ride the "transfer bus" from the HS to the Elementary after school.  The transfer bus is the last bus in line.  Look for all the other players waiting for it.

You must have an athletic physcial on file to participate.

Other items that need to be turned in:

-Athletic Fee


-Basketball Acknowledgement Form

All of these can be doubled checked on Google Classroom by both player and coach.

If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach Allen!