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Friday, December 21, 2018

Nick Hansmann--1,000 Point Club

On a free throw early in the game against Isle on Thursday night, senior Nick Hansmann reached his 1,000th career varsity point for Pine City.  Nick has scored all of those points under Coach Allen and is Coach Allen's 4th 1,000 point scorer.  Hansmann ended the night with 24 points.  There was a big crowd of family, friends, and former players there to watch Hansmann make history.

12/20/18: @Isle

Another 1,000 point Dragon makes PCHS history

On Thursday night, Dec. 20, the Dragons traveled to Isle where senior Nick Hansmann reached his 1,000th varsity point and assisted in Pine City’s victory over Isle, 102-72. All of Hansmann’s 1,000 points were scored under the coaching of Kyle Allen and Hansmann is the fourth Dragon to achieve this under Allen’s leadership (the others to do so were Noah Adams, Kole Jusczak and Clay Logan).
Jake Adams had great demeanor in the game. Allen said Adams has high expectations for himself and this team. 
“He goes out and gives it his all 100 percent of the time,” Allen said. “He will bring others with him as he begins to demand that from his teammates. 
Although he found himself in foul trouble, Caleb Fromm had a great game. He did a lot of things that the team values and played the way a Dragon is expected to play at the varsity level. Kameron Jusczak came in off the bench to grab six rebounds in the second half, which are big numbers in limited time for a freshman.
The Dragons refocused on the defensive end of the floor with Seth Logan (10), Chris Trudeau (9), and Christian Fromm (8) leading Pine City in rebounds. Pine City also took a season high three charges in this game.
“We have some things to clean up on the defensive end,” Allen said. “But we will make sure to focus on that moving forward.”
Pine City boys’ next home game is Saturday, Jan. 5, at 2:30 p.m. when the Dragons take to the court against The Blake School from Minneapolis.
Varsity: W (102-72)
JV: W (79-42)

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Dragon Hoops Show #4

Link to Listen:

12/18/18: North Branch

Another 1,000 point Dragon makes PCHS history

Dragon boys basketball hosted North Branch on Tuesday, Dec. 18, for what turned out to be one of the most exciting games of the season. North Branch was well prepared for Pine City, having a great game plan and utilizing their strengths against the Dragons; however, Pine City pulled off a big win against a talented 3AAA team 67-66.
“If you look at the numbers and did not know the outcome of the game, you would think we lost by a landslide,” said coach Kyle Allen. “However, because of the system we run, we are able to still be in the game and we did just enough to get the win.”
One thing that sets this program apart from many other teams is they have a lot of players who can carry the team on offense. As a team, they are able to figure out who is “hot” and find him on the floor. Koleman Lind scored five of his nine three point attempts and carried the Dragons in some big spots during the game offensively. Nick Hansmann’s shots weren’t falling, which is rare for him, but he really got it done on the boards and on defense. He led Pine City with eight rebounds, six steals, three assists and took a charge. Seth Logan also battled hard on the boards, unfortunately finding his way to five fouls.
Varsity: W (67-66)
JV: L (44-50)
C-Squad: L (26-35)

Tuesday, December 18, 2018