
Fan Text Updates

Fan Text Updates

2024-25 Poster

2024-25 Poster

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Words From Our Friend of the Program Rick Rassier

Rick (the Teamwork, One Man Volleyball Team, Extreme Kayaking Guy) wants to challenge us to Take it to the Next Level.  Follow him on Instagram at @rickrassier and if you are working out tag him in your story or post #rrnextlevel #rickrassier

Sunday, March 15, 2020

Individual Postseason Meetings Postponed

All 7-12 individual postseason meetings with Coach Allen are officially postponed.

More information will come at a later date when more is known.

Friday, March 13, 2020

The Hot Hand

Recently, author Ben Cohen released his book: "The Hot Hand: The Mystery and Science of Streaks".  In the book, Cohen references and writes about the Pine City boys basketball program and their use of numbers and analytics. 

You can see more from Ben Cohen on his website: